Loss: Leaving

"I heard that you've been skipping group, Joshua."


"I want you to start going. That's where you're going to make real connections with people. That's where the real healing will begin."

"It's just a bunch of holy rollers and teetotalers talking about their 'personal savior' and about how they have no power over alcohol. I'm not like that. That's not what I need."

"That is exactly what you need. All those people in that room were just like you once. But they reached out for help."

"I don't need help. I'm ready to go home."

"Well. You know we can't keep you here, but we think you should stay for a while, for your own good. Physically, we've helped your body to shake off its addiction to alcohol. But mentally and emotionally... You're probably going to relapse again unless you start to build some real relationships with people. And you need to be in a structured environment to help you adjust to these changes."

"I have real relationships. I have friends." Visions of Tony and Trish, Jillian, Brick. How long has it been since I've seen them? How many years?

"Do they know what you're going through? Do they know how to deal with alcoholics? Or are they going to enable your disease?"

"I don't have a disease! I'm not an alcoholic! I can stop whenever I want to."

"You can go if you want to. But just remember that we're here to help you. If you do have trouble again, we'll always be here and we'll welcome you back. Remember that."

"Yeah, sure. Whatever."

He's not ready yet.

Next page - not ready yet