Musical Friends

Thanks to Craig Tanis we've got these scripts... well, the original versions of these scripts :)

Newest comic strip: "Names Pt. 3" at! ...published 28 Jan 2004.

Friends on the Internet

Some of my friends have homepages. I've never linked to their pages, so here it is, in case anybody wants to know:

L. Felipe Perrone

Swaminathan Rahul

Jim Huber, the cartoonin' man, and his cartoons page.

More stuff that I like

My old friend Mike used to run this online magazine called Smartass... I did write a bit for it back in the day. He hopes to revive it someday!

Music Links

The Ultimate Band List.

Improv music page.


Electronics Links

Analogue Heaven, a mailing list for people who like analog synthesizers. There are references from the AH page to all the cool various type thingys. Use that!

PAiA music kits.

Writing Links

The Web page for the SFnF Writers' List.

Misc links

Go back to my homepage.